
-> Aerosol Comparisons between Observations and Models



AeroCom Data base explanation


A data server ( allows users to acces the AeroCom data via ssh with a pass phrase protected ssh key.


Conditions for access to the AeroCom data server:

  • A short project description of the planned analysis is send to AeroCom contact (
  • An account is opened upon sending a request for an account to and
  • The project description is made available to AeroCom participants
    via the wiki page
  • Results from analysis are reported to AeroCom workshops
  • Publication-Coauthorship is offered to model and data author. See data policy

Directory structure

Each Model data set is identified by a unique $MODEL-VERSION_EXPERIMENT name stored in one directory /metno/aerocom/users/aerocom1/$MODEL-VERSION_EXPERIMENT
The Directory-Name MODELEXP contains an indication to which AeroCom/HTAP/ACCMIP experiment the results belong. The original results submitted have been often harmonized and the final files are found in the "renamed" sub-directory.
AeroCom A phase I
Model experiments from the original AeroCom A experiment
dont carry the experiment name.
Aerocom phase I special experiments
B - harmonized emissions, runs performed 2004-2006
IND - Indirect effect simulations , runs performed 2004-2006
(runs are actually stored with Joyce Penner)
Submissions for indirect effect study 2009
IND2-CTRL - Second Indirect Experiment organised by Johannes Quaas
IND2-PRE - Second Indirect Experiment organised by Johannes Quaas, preindustrial
Add-on experiments 2010 organised by Dorothy Koch
IND2-BCFF, year 2000 emissions are used but fossil fuel BC emissions are set to zero.
IND2-BCOCBF year 2000 emissions are used but biofuel BC and OC are set to zero.
IND2-D using BC/OC with zero diesel emissions (soon to be provided)
IND2-WS using BC/OC with zero woodstove emissions (soon to be provided
AeroCom phase II files submissions after 2009
A2.CTRL Aerocom Phase 2 control simulation
A2.PRE Aerocom Phase 2 control simulation, preindustrial emissions
HCA-0 Aerocom Phase 2 hindcast simulation
HTAP simulations 2008-2009
SR1 reference simulation
SR6NA reference -20 % anthropogenic emissions in North America
SR6EU reference -20 % anthropogenic emissions in Europe
SR6EA reference -20 % anthropogenic emissions in East Asia
SR6SA reference -20 % anthropogenic emissions in South Asia

File name convention AeroCom PHASE II


File name convention AeroCom PHASE I

DD_${MODEL}.an${YEAR}.m${MO}.nc ->Daily data for a month
DD_${MODEL}.an${YEAR} 12 -> Monthly averages from daily data
DD_${MODEL}.an${YEAR} -> Annual average based on daily data

MM_${MODEL}.an${YEAR}.m${MO}.nc ->Monthly data
MM_${MODEL}.an${YEAR} 12 -> Monthly averages in one file
MM_${MODEL}.an${YEAR} -> Annual average

MD_${MODEL}.an${YEAR} -> Annual average combining MM and DD annual average files.

Variable names

Variable names in files correspond to the protocol


is an international
science initiative
on aerosols and climate

supported by
EU Commission

Max-Planck Ges.
French CNES