
-> Aerosol Comparisons between Observations and Models



9th AEROCOM workshop

(held at Oxford, UK, Sep 26-29, 2010)

This document contains presentations of the AEROCOM workshop at Oxford in September 2010. Contributions are bundled by topics:


  1. The WORKSHOP INFO outlines the program and shows the local facilities
  2. The WEB_HANDS_ON section contains presentations on (aerosol) data and tool internet resources
  3. The SUMMARY_TALKS section contains summary presentations on aspects of aerosol modules in global modeling (presented by P.Stier), satellite remote sensing of aerosol (presented by F.M.Breon) and aerosol in-situ sampling (presented by J.Ogren)


  1. The monday section contains presentations on Monday Sep.26
  2. The tuesday section contains presentations on Tuesday Sep.27
  3. The wednesday section contains presentations on Wednesday Sep.28
  4. The thursday section contains presentations on Thursday Sep.29


  1. The FUTURE_DIRECTIONS working sub-groups discussed future model experiments, next steps in microphysical comparisons and new directions for future AeroCom activities


  1. The poster_tuesday section contains single slides of posters presented on Tuesday Sep.27
  2. The poster_wednesday section contains single slides of posters presented on Wednesday Sep.28

PICTURES (click to enlarge)

  1. Highslide JS
  2. Highslide JS
  3. Highslide JS
  4. Highslide JS


  1. outlines the workshop schedule
  2. introduced the local facilities at Oriel college at Oxford

WEB_HANDS_ON: internet resouces

  1. AeroCom interface and database (M.Schulz, Met-No)
  2. AeroCom emission data-base (T.Diehl, NASA-GSFC)
  3. AeroCom prescribed EXP input and scripts (P.Stier, U.Oxford)
  4. GIOVANNI satellite data center (C.Ichoku for G.Leptoukh, NASA_GSFC)
  5. MAPSS data-sample co-location tool (C.Ichoku, NASA-GSFC)
  6. ICARE satellite data center (F.M.Breon, LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette)
  7. WMO-GAW satellite data portal (T.Holzer-Popp, DLR)


  1. summary talk on aerosol modules in global modeling (P.Stier, U.Oxford)
  2. summary talk on aerosol in-situ sampling (J.Ogren, NOAA)
  3. overview talk on satellite remote sensing of aerosol (F.M.Breon, LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette)


  1. overview and update of the AeroCom volcanic SO2 emission inventory presented by T.Diehl (NASA-GSFC)
  2. appropriate usage of errors in the comparison of satellite retrieval Aerosol-Cloud-Ecosystem Mission presented by G.Thomas for D.Grainger (U.Oxford)
  3. satellite based global dust inventories presented by P.Ginoux (NOAA-GFDL)
  4. global dust model intercomparison in AeroCom phase 1 presented by N.Huneeus (LSCE-Saclay)
  5. marine aerosol network presented by M.Chin for A.Smirnov (NASA-GSFC)
  6. user requirements for ESA’s Climate change initiative for aerosols presented by S.Kinne (MPI-Met)


  1. AeroCom phase II submissions - evaluation against observations presented by M.Schulz (MET_no)
  2. Evaluating multi-model sulfur simulations at Amsterdam Island presented by P.Sntharilingam (U.East-Anglia)
  3. 4 years of Calipso , update on version 3 and recent developments presented by D.Winker (NASA-Langley)
  4. organic aerosol intercomparison presented by S.Bauer for K.Tsigaridis (NASA-GISS)
  5. report on black carbon forcing assessment presented by S.Bauer for D.Koch (NASA-GISS)
  6. rhe GEWEX and NRL assessments of aerosol products by satellites. presented by J.Reid (NRL-Monterrey)
  7. what we are learning from the 10+ years of EOS MISR aerosol data presented by R.Kahn (NASA-GSFC)
  8. update on EDGAR 4 emission data presented by J.Wilson (JRC-Ispra)
  9. multi-decadal variations of atmospheric aerosols and their effects on surface radiation trends presented by M.Chin (NASA-GSFC)
  10. changes in surface solar radiation due to aerosols for several decades based on the AeroCom Phase II experiment presented by T.Takemura (U.Kyusho)
  11. first results from AEROCOM aerosol-microphysics working group presented by G.Mann (U.Leeds)


  1. climatology of radiative properties of free-troposopheric aerosols presented by J.Ogren (NOAA)
  2. preliminary results of radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect from AeroCom Phase II presented by G.Myhre (MET-no)
  3. news from the pre-scribed forcing experiment presented by P.Stier (U.Oxford)
  4. accuracy of radiative transfer schemes in global modeling presented by C.Randles (NASA-GSFC)
  5. cloud susceptibility as primary indirect effect quality indicator? presented by J.Quaas (MPI-Met)
  6. Aerosol effects on precipitation: Intercomparison under AEROCOM presented by X.Liu (PNNL)
  7. Diagnosing modelled aerosol water uptake using Aeronet presented by G.Schuster (NSASA-Langley)


  1. sensitivity of climate-relevant aerosol to nucleation parametrisations - linking AeroCom and EUCAARI presented by K.Carslaw (U.Leeds)
  2. using Aerocom BC deposition for snow albedo forcing estimates presented by M.Flanner (U.Michigan)
  3. AeroCom contributions to the IPCC AR5 presented by O.Boucher (UK Met-office)
  4. using Aerocom BC deposition for snow albedo forcing estimates presented by M.Schulz (MET-no)

Summaries of working group discussion on future activities

  1. concept of the working group discussions introduced by M.Schulz (MET-no)
  2. ideas and plans to investigate aerosol radiative effects summarized by G.Myhre (MET-no)
  3. new action items for to advance process understanding summarized by M.Chin (NASA-GSFC)
  4. new ideas for future directions – session 1 summarized by Y.Balkanski (LSCE)
  5. new ideas for future directions – session 2 summarized by S.Kinne (MPI-Met)


  1. EUSAAR/EUCAAR size distributions for model comparisons (A.Asmi)
  2. MISR’s joint aerosol product (L3J ADP): a new kind of level 3 dataset (A.Braverman)
  3. Suppression of CCN formation in the remote marine atmosphere: the role of bromine chemistry (T.Breider)
  4. Climate and aerosol microphysics in NASA GEOS-5 (P.Colarco)
  5. Joint retrieval of aerosol properties and surface reflectance from Meteosat: First, Second and Third Generation observations with an optimal estimation method (Y.Govaerts)
  6. Air pollution in the past (and future) (Harshvardhan)
  7. Aerosol direct radiative effect efficiency (ADREE) at the surface determined at various locations in the world (A.Huttunen)
  8. MAPSS: Multi-sensor Aerosol Products Sampling System (C.Ichoku)
  9. Cloud cycling and scavenging of aerosols in UKCAEUSAAR (Z.Kipling)
  10. Aerosol properties and direct and indirect raditaive forcing EUSAAR (A.Kirkevag)
  11. Global evaluation of aerosol vertical distribution simulated by AeroCom global aerosol models using CALIOP observations (B.Koffi)
  12. Global aerosol from ERS-2, ENVISAT and Sentinel-3 (P.North)
  13. Extinction-to-backscatter ratios of Saharan dust layers derived from in-situ measurements and CALIPSO over-flights during NAMMA (A.Omar)
  14. Spatial and temporal variability of the vertical distribution of aerosol on the direct effect of solar radiation for the Mediterranean basin (V. Pappas)
  15. Dust analysis and prediction with ensemble-based data assimilation (T. Sekiyama)
  16. Trends in concentrations of aerosols from 1850 until present (R.Skeie)
  17. The GlobAEROSOL dataset:- using a multi-instrument satellite aerosol dataset (G.Thomas)
  18. A spectral convection parameterisation with aerosol microphysics in ECHAM (-HAM) (T.Wagner)
  19. Towards an improved representation of meteorological processes in models of mineral dust emission presented by P.Knippertz (Univ. Leeds)
  20. Impact of errors in modeled precipitation on regional smoke transport and lifetime - implications for retrospective studies (P.Xiang)
  21. Radiative flux perturbation caused by anthropogenic aerosols in ECHAM5.5-HAM2 (K.Zhang)


  1. Resolving the mixing state of ice nuclei with EMAC/MADE-IN (V.Aquila)
  2. CMIP5 aerosol results Impact of nitrate (N.Bellouin)
  3. Multiphase chemical mechanism in GMI: simulation for nitrate and ammonium (H.Bian)
  4. A statistical approach to understanding uncertainty in aerosol effects on the climate (L.Collins)
  5. A comparison of indirect effect relationships between models and satellite observational data (B.Grandey)
  6. Studying the optical and microphysical properties of mineral dust EUSAAR (R.Hu)
  7. estimating aerosol emissions through variational data assimilation of aerosol products (N.Huneeus)
  8. An aerosol climatology (S.Kinne)
  9. Development of NCEP global aerosol forecasting system: an overview and preliminary results (S.Lu)
  10. Interactive oxidant chemistry in the aerosol module of CAM-Oslo (Oivie)
  11. Using spaceborne AOD observations to constrain biomass burning emissions in the GOCART model (M.Petrenko)
  12. Impact of megacity aerosol emissions on air quality and climate in the Met Office climate model HadGEM2 the climate impact of biofuels in shipping (S.Rumbold)
  13. The climate impact of biofuels in shipping (M.Righi)
  14. New constraints on the global secondary organic aerosol budget (D.Spracklen)
  15. Development of an aerosol model in the earth system model of Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency (T.Tanaka)
  16. Influence of clouds and vertical aerosol distribution on direct radiative effect (R.Vuolo)
  17. Aerosol-cloud interactions in a multiscale aerosol climate model (M.Wang)
  18. Assessment of aerosol distributions from GEOS-5 using the CALIPSO feature mask (J.Welton)
  19. Representation of aerosol activation in the HadGEM-UKCA aerosol—chemistry model (R.West)
  20. global dimming/brightening in ECHAM5-HAM (M.Wild)
  21. A microphysical model in the ECMWF IFS model (M.Woodhouse)

is an international
science initiative
on aerosols and climate

supported by
EU Framework programmes

Norw. Met Office
Max-Planck Ges.
French CNES