
-> Aerosol Comparisons between Observations and Models



4th AEROCOM workshop

(held at Oslo, Norway, June 15-17, 2005)

This document contains presentations and posters of the AEROCOM workshop at Oslo in June 2005. Contributions are bundled by topic:

  1. The WORKSHOP INFO outlines the program and lists names of the workshop participants
  2. The OVERVIEW section introduces the ACCENT initiative and workshop goals.
  3. The WHERE WE ARE section contains diagnostical summary presentations about aerosol modules in global modeling
  4. The HOW TO USE THE WEB gives instructions on how to use the web diagnosis and evaluation tool

  1. The VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION section reviews capabilities to measure and simulate the vertical distribution of aerosol
  2. The AEROSOL FORCING section presents simulated aerosol impacts on the energy balance of the Earth- Atmosphere-System (radiative forcing). Simulations of different aerosol modules are compared and initial efforts are explored, where the aerosol forcing is more tied to observational evidence
  3. The MODULE DEVELOPMENT section addresses various new developments in aerosol global modeling
  4. The INDIRECT EFFECT addresses progress in understanding and quantifying aerosol indirect effects with the help of sensitivity studies and observational evidence from remote sensing
  5. The HUMIDIFICATION section explores model differences for aerosol water and for aerosol humidification and its impact on aerosol optical properties
  6. The AEROSOL PRODUCTS section present summaries and useful results from modeling and from model/data synergy for the general atmospheric science community

  1. The POSTERS section presents an AeroCom overview poster, compares details on simulated aerosol optical properties in component modeling, introduces concepts on investigating aerosol-cloud interactions and presents first results from a new effort to derive aerosol (direct) forcing by combining global fields of the median model with AERONET data.
  2. The SOURCES inventories of aerosol emission data for the years 2000 and 1750 (pre-industrial conditions) – in support of model sensitivities studies


  1. outlines the workshop program and the lists the attendees

  1. ACCENT – a network of excellence presented by I. Isaksen (Univ. of Oslo)
  2. Goals of the workshop and remarks on the AeroCom future presented by M. Schulz (LSCE, Paris )

  1. Comparisons of AeroCom Exp. A and Exp. B simulations presented by C. Textor (LSCE, Paris)
  2. AeroCom Exp A – an analysis of global fields presented by S. Kinne (MPI, Hamburg)
  3. Parameterizations and diversity of aerosol processes presented by S. Guibert (LSCE, Paris)

  1. The AeroCom web catalogues presented by S. Guibert (LSCE, Paris)

  1. Differences in simulated vertical distributions presented by C. Textor (LSCE, Paris)
  2. Evaluation of simulated aerosol vertical profiles to data presented by S. Guibert (LSCE, Paris)
  3. Aerosol vertical profiles over a continental US site presented by A. Jefferson (NOAA, Boulder)
  4. Aerosol vertical profiles with the CART- site Raman lidar presented by R. Ferrare (NASA-Langley)
  5. Impact of different convective schemes on the aerosol vertical distribution presented by O. Seland (Univ. of Oslo)

  1. Discussion of forcing estimates from AeroCom models presented by M. Schulz (LSCE, Paris)
  2. Results from ECHAM simulations dedicated to IPCC-FAR presented by P. Stier (MPI, Hamburg)
  3. Outstanding issues in mineral dust radiative forcing presented by Y. Balkanski (LSCE, Paris)
  4. Satellite versus GCM – comparisons of derived aerosol direct radiative forcings presented by O. Boucher (MET-office)
  5. Aerosol Forcing with an AERONET touch presented by S. Kinne (MPI, Hamburg)

  1. Transport modeling at NILU presented by A. Stohl (NILU, Oslo)
  2. Impact of organic compounds on the simulated aerosol properties presented by M. Mircea (CNR, Bologna)
  3. The European Aerosol Budget presented by M. Krol (JRC, Ispra)
  4. Parameterized aerosol optics and properties in the CCM Oslo presented by A. Kirkevag (Univ. of Oslo)
  5. The GEMS aerosol project presented by J.J. Mocrette (ECWMF, Reading)

  1. Status of aerosol indirect comparisons presented by J. Penner (Univ. of Michigan)
  2. Estimates of indirect forcings - combining data and modeling presented by J. Quaas (MET-office)
  3. Aerosols on McRAS-clouds using sulfate simulated by GOCART presented by T. Diehl (NASA-GSFC)
  4. Predicting Cloud droplet number concentrations in CAM-Oslo presented by T. Storelvmo (NILU, Oslo)
  5. Concepts to test aerosol-cloud interactions with satellite data contributed by S. Kinne (MPI, Hamburg)

  1. Measurements of aerosol humidification presented by A. Jefferson (NOAA, Boulder)
  2. Analysis of vertical profiles as function of RH differences presented by S. Guibert (LSCE, Paris)
  3. Humidification aspects in AeroCom A and B presented by C. Textor (LSCE, Paris)

  1. A new aerosol climatology, merging AERONET and modeling presented by S. Kinne (MPI, Hamburg)

  1. the AeroCom project – an overview prepared by S. Kinne (MPI, Hamburg)
  2. aerosol component modeling – a module comparison prepared by S. Kinne (MPI, Hamburg)
  3. correlations among MODIS retrieved properties for a better understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions prepared by S. Kinne (MPI, Hamburg)
  4. estimates of the (direct) aerosol forcing based on AERONET data and the AeroCom model median fields prepared by S. Kinne (MPI, Hamburg)

  1. recommended AeroCom aerosol emission sources for the years 1750 and 2000 contributed by F. Dentener (JRC, Ispra)

is an international
science initiative
on aerosols and climate

supported by
EU Framework programmes

Norw. Met Office
Max-Planck Ges.
French CNES