-> Aerosol Comparisons between Observations and Models
12th AEROCOM workshop
(held at Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany Sep 23-27, 2013)
This document contains presentations of the AEROCOM/AEROSAT/ACTRIS workshop in September 2013. Contributions are bundled by topics:
- The Workshop_INFO & Overview presentations outlines the
program and list the participants
- The AeroCom_talks section contains
AeroCom presentations
- The AeroCom_ideas section
contains concepts for new (and on-going) model experiments
- The ACTRIS_talks section contains
ACTRIS EU-project presentations
- The AeroSAT_talks section contains
presentations of the AeroSAT sub-group
- The posters section contains summary
slides of presented posters
- The winners of the AOD forecast contest are Johannes Kaiser, Toshihiko Takemura and Cynthia Randles and Stefan's Aeronet climatology ! Detailed results of the AOD forecast contest can be found in the results file!
- logistics for the 12th AeroCom /
ACTRIS workshop
- program of the 12th AeroCom
/ ACTRIS workshop
- participants of the 12th
AeroCom / ACTRIS workshop
- abstracts of presentations
of the 12th AeroCom / ACTRIS workshop
- 10 years Aerocom / Welcome to the 12th AeroCom
by Michael Schulz (Met-No)
- final remarks to the 12th AeroCom
by Michael Schulz (Met-No)
- plans for the 13th AeroCom
- introductions to ACTRIS
science presentations
by G.Pappalardo (IMAA-CNR)
- summarizing remarks to ACTRIS
science presentations
by P.Laj (LMD)
- constraining estimates of aerosol
effects on clouds
by S.Ghan (PNNL)
- inter-comparing data and models in
AeroCom and beyond
by P.Stier (Uni Oxford)
- recent topics related with
aerosol-climate models in Japan
by T.Takemura (Uni Kyushu)
- contribution of land-use to the
variability of dust properties
by P.Ginoux (NOAA-GFDL)
- lessons from a scientific
assessment (key presentation)
by B.Stevens (MPI-Met)
- multi-decadal aerosol variations:
sources and regional trends
by M.Chin (NASA-GSFC)
- trends in aerosol optical depth by
modeling and observations
presented by N.Bellouin (Uni Reading)
- a statistical framework to quantify model
by L.Lee (Uni Leeds)
- AeroCom inter-comparison of aerosol (?
cirrus) indirect effects
by X.Liu (Uni Wyoming)
- global fire data-sets for model input
by J.Kaiser (MPI-Chem)
- anthropogenic SO2 emissions
from an atmospheric inversion
by N.Hunneus (LMD)
- explanations for inter-model
diversity for vertical profiles
by Z.Kipling (UNI Oxford)
- aerosols in cloudy scenes: properties
and impacts
by F.Peers (LOA)
- VIIRS aerosol products
by L.Remer (UMBC)
- SeaWiFS and MODIS Deep Blue
aerosol products
by C.Hsu (NASA-GSFC)
- MODIS (new) collection 6 dark target
aerosol products
by R.Levy (NASA-GSFC)
- we are getting better at aerosol type
by R.Kahn (NASA-GSFC)
- first products from ESA
by T.Holzer-Popp (DLR)
- global aerosol observations from
by D.Winker (NASA-LaRC)
- global aerosol absorption from OMI
near-UV observations
by O.Torres (NASA-GSFC)
- remote sensing of the relative
concentrations of carbon aerosol and dust
by G.Schuster (NASA-LaRC)
- HIPPO black carbon aerosol
vertical profiles vs AeroCom modeling
by J.Schwarz (NOAA-ESRL)
- black carbon radiative forcing Ð
AeroCom vs HIPPO and A-FORCE
by B.Samset (CICERO)
- comparison of AAOD from in-situ and remote sensing measurements
by J.Ogren (NOAA-ESRL)
- introduction of new and old experiments
of the radiative forcing working group
by P.Stier (Uni Oxford)
- joining GASSP activities
by K.Carslaw (Uni Leeds)
- a joint SSiRC/AeroCom initiative on
stratospheric aerosol
by C.Timmreck (MPI-Met)
- nitrate simulations constrained by
by H.Bian (NASA-GSFC)
- contributions to the Hemispheric Transport
of Air Pollution (HTAP) study
by M.Chin (NASA-GSFC)
- easy aerosols
by A.Voigt (LMD)
- an AeroCom intercomparison
exercise on state-of-the-art organic aerosol global modeling
by K.Tsigaridis (NASA-GISS)
- biomass burning aerosol emission
by M.Petrenko (NASA-GSFC)
- data assimilation and parameter
estimation for global (aerosol) properties
by N.Schutgens (Uni Oxford)
- aerosol typing and microphysical
properties by lidar/radiometer
by U.Wandinger (TROPOS)
- iSPEX: 1st results of aerosols by
smartphones in The Netherlands
by A.Apituley (KNMI)
- an observational framework for
the study of cloud-aerosol interaction
by H.Russenberg (Delft)
- ACTRIS aerosol vertical profiles:
advanced data and their potential use in an aerosol observations/models combined
by L.Mona (IMAA-CNR)
- atmospheric new particle formation
by M.Kulmala (FMI)
- on the application, use and
access to ground based aerosol obs. (EBAS)
by C.Lund-Myhre (NILU)
- aerosol life cycles: what can
we learn from high altitude sites?
by U.Baltensperger (PSI)
- using ground station data for improving
accuracy in (global) modeling
by M.Fiebig (NILU)
- background and rationale for
by S.Pinnock (ESRIN)
- international satellite aerosol
science network: AEROSAT
by T.Holzer-Popp (DLR)
- ATSR and more (aerosol retrievals
at FMI and UHEL)
by G.DeLeew (FMI)
by R.Kahn (NASA-GSFC)
- application and use: improving
by S.Kinne (MPI-Met)
- OMI and more (aerosol measurements
by spectral instrumentation
by P.Levelt (KNMI)
by R.Levy (NASA-GSFC)
- Earlinet (to validate satellite remote
by L.Mona (IMAA-CNR)
- EUMETSAT aerosol activities
by R.Munro (EUMETSAT)
- aerosol-cloud interactions:
measurements of CCN
by D.Rosenfield (Hebrew Uni)
- SAF network Ð committed aerosol
by L.Schueller (EUMETSAT)
- Polder (retrievals and inversions)
by P.Goloub/D. Tanre (LOA)
by O.Torres (NASA-GSFC)
by R.Kahn/D. Winker (NASA-GSFC)
- aerosol remote sensing in China
by R.Xue (CAS)
influence of observed diurnal cycles of aerosol optical depth on aerosol direct
radiative effect (A.Arola, FMI)
(K.Carslaw, Uni Leeds)
anthropogenic and volcanic contributions to the stratospheric aerosol trends
new sea-salt source function (OSSA)
(G.DeLeeuw, FMI)
Absorbing aerosol, influence on microphysics and radiative forcing
(L.Doppler, FU Berlin)
comparison of marine aerosol observations with AEROCOM models
(E.Dunne, FMI)
regional Aerosol Optical Depth trends with MATCH, CCCM and MODIS
overview over the AeroCom infrastructure at Met Norway
(J.Griesfeller, Met No)
aerosol direct radiative effect efficiency (ADREE), aerosol optical properties and
surface albedo
lessons from coherent uncertainty analysis of aerosol observations from
multiple satellite sensors and implications for model evaluation
(C.Ichoku, NASA-GSFC)
MPI Aerosol Climatology (MAC)
(S.Kinne, MPI-Met)
simulation of the aerosol vertical distribution by the AeroCom models: Phase II
versus Phase I
(B.Koffi, JRC)
Secondary Organic Aerosol yields in chamber experiments
(H.Kokkula, FMI)
Impact of aerosol emissions in China and India on climate
(T.Kuehn, FMI)
ACTRIS Data Centre: an atmospheric data portal
(C.Lund-Myhre, NILU)
global distributions of cloud droplet number concentrations and cloud albedo
effects from
AeroCom models of a range of complexity
(G.Mann, Uni Leeds)
Improved representation of marine stratocumili in ECHAM6-HAM2
(D.Neubauer, ETHZ)
evaluation of aerosol simulations over South Asia in multi-models
aerosol - cloud droplet concentration closure for marine stratocumulus clouds:
comparison of two parameterisations using an inverse modelling framework
(D.Partridge, Uni Oxford)
estimate of the radiative effect of brown carbon using AERONET products
(M.Pitkanen, FMI)
Retrieval of aerosol and volcanic ash properties from RAMAN lidar with optical
(A.Povey, Uni Oxford)
impact of South African biomass burning on temperature tendencies
(C.Randles, NASA-GSFC)
comparison of Level 1.5 and Level 2.0 AERONET absorption products
(G.Schuster, NASA-LaRC)
a global view of aerosol macro- and microphysical processes
(N.Schutgens, Uni Oxford)
Stratospheric Sulfur and its Role in Climate (SSiRC)
(C.Timmreck, MPI-Met)
aerosol measurements of the ARM Climate Research Facility
(J.Voyles, DOE)
Radiative forcing and climate response due to the presence of black carbon in
cloud droplets
(Z.Wang, CMA)
Constraints on aerosol sources using GEOS-Chem adjoint and MODIS
radiances, and evaluation with OMI and MISR data
(J.Wang, Uni Nebraska)
Effect of aerosol sub-grid variability on AOD
(N. Weigum, Uni Oxford)
the global 3D aerosol distribution and estimates of all-sky aerosol direct
radiative effect constraints
(D.Winker, NASA-LaRC)
improvements of cloud microphysics in the online aerosol-climate model
BCC_AGCM2.0.1_CUACE/Aero and aerosol indirect effect
(H.Zhang, Nat CC, CMA)
is an international
science initiative
on aerosols and climate
supported by
EU Framework programmes
Norw. Met Office
Max-Planck Ges.
French CNES