Tropospheric Aerosol Climatology based on AeroCom phase I experiments An average (median) aerosol distribution has been constructed from selected aerosol model simulations, assembled in the scope of the href="">AeroCom initiative. The simulations and models are described by Textor et. al (2006), Kinne et al. (2006) and Schulz et al. (2006) (all appeared in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics). The simulations represent meteorological conditions and emissions from the year 2000. The median aerosol fields (1x1 degree) are available for total aerosol, sea salt, dust, black carbon, particulate organic matter and sulphate. Depending on the variable and the frequency (daily or monthly) different models have been used to compute the local median value from different simulations. The global attribute in the netCDF file contains more information of the models used for a given field. A visualisation of the fields and validation with surface observations from the GEOMON/EBAS database and Aeronet can be found via the AeroCom webinterface Please contact Michael.Schulz@LSCE.IPSL.FR if you want to use these data. Citation of above references is obligatory. ======================== File name explanation ========================= The file names correspond to the new Aerocom phase II filename convention. See the diagnostics protocol on the Aerocom webpage. daily: daily fields monthly: monthly fields examples: Varriable name components: AER: total aerosol SS: sea salt DUST: dust BC: black carbon POM: particulate organic matter SO4: sulphate OD550: aerosol optical depth SCONC: Surface concentration WET: wet deposition ANG4487: Angstroem Component OD550LT1: Fine mode AOD OD550GT1: Coarse mode AOD