Illustrated examples of the Features of the WEB INTERFACE
Units : CONC_SO4 in ug(SO4).m-3 / CONC_BC & CONC_OC in ugC.m-3 / CONC_SS in ug(NaCl).m-3
1. Limited choice = AERONET (or ALL)

Scroll up menus = an2000 Lille mALLYEAR INCA LSCE OD550_AER

Graph shows monthly mean aerosol optical depth from the model and AERONET station eg Lille. For each station, the daily model outputs are filtered according to the days for which measurements are available. Each month the monthly mean is calculated only if there are more than 8 days with measurements. Measurements and model standard deviations are indicated by vertical lines.
2. Limited choice = BC (or ALL)

Scroll up menus = an96-02 GSFC mALLYEAR INCA LSCE OD550_AER

Graph shows for the period 1996-2002 monthly aerosol optical depth from the model and at Goddard.
3. Limited choice = SCATTERPLOTS (or ALL)

Scroll up menus = an2000 Europe mALLYEAR INCA LSCE CONCSO4_SCAT

Graph shows for 2000 as scatterplot monthly sulfate concentrations model vs observation for all European stations. For each station, the monthly means are obtained as explained above (daily model output filtered for the presence of measurements + at least 8 days each month with measurements).
4. Limited choice = SCATTERPLOTS (or ALL)

Scroll up menus = an2000 Europe mALLYEAR INCA LSCE CONCSO4_MAP

Graph shows for 2000 as map yearly sulfate concentrations model vs observation for all European stations. For each station, the yearly means are obtained by average of the monthly means (see explanations above for monthly means determination) but only if there are more than 4 months in the year with measurements mean values.