Help for Interactive Model Result/Observation Interface


Subject choice reduces the number of available parameters to choose from.

Comparison with surface observations:
Where station data are available they are plotted along with model output.
Network choice allows to select only those stations where observations are available.

Method & Functionality

The interface looks into an image database produced originally by idl at the LSCE/CEA-Saclay.
Each image has a name of type

Optional arguments in brackets. Underscores separate the arguments!
Parameter and species names have been abbreviated and harmonised for different models/observation data sets.
See examples for parameters and species directly on the interface. See also explanation there.
YEAR can be e.g. 2000, 1999 or 96-01
PERIOD can be e.g. ALLYEAR, 01, 02, .. 12 (the latter for specifying a specific month)
[_STATIONNAME] can be omitted as part of the name of the image eg for global maps and is only used in site specific interfaces.
Image size ca. 400x300 pixels

Images corresponding to a MODEL or to a certain OBSERVATION category are kept in one directory.

Interactivity of the interface is achieved with a Perl script
which searches upon submit selected images for the chosen MODELs


Authors Interface and IDL visualisation: :
contact: Michael Schulz / LSCE ( mailto: schulz - @ - cea - .fr )
Christiane Textor / LSCE ( mailto: textor - @ lsce.saclay.cea - .fr )
Sarah Guibert / LSCE ( mailto: guibert - @ lsce.saclay.cea - .fr )